Version 0.01 versus OpenChess 1 Beta 2
- Feringa has a better set of pieces for greyscale displays.
- It uses bitmap families which support high resolution displays (320x320).
The advantage of this solution is that no separate code for high resolution
displays is necessary. This should also work on a Sony Clie.
- The hard buttons work. They don't work in OpenChess because this program
doesn't handle appStopEvent.
- Alert dialogs don't wipe the screen.
- Load and save functions are implemented.
- There is a pgn export function.
- The user can switch on board coordinates.
- Like OpenChess Feringa requires PalmOS version 3.5 or greater. OpenChess
crashes if the OS version is less than 3.5. Feringa displays an alert.
Version 0.02
- Fixed the en passant undo bug.
- Fixed the castling bug.
- Integrated high resolution bitmaps for the toolbars.
Version 0.03
- Feringa now has its own creator id.
- Shows the notation of the current move.
- Uses the system settings for sound.
- The user can change the square colours.