Feringa is a GNU/GPL chess game for the PalmOS platform, based on OpenChess 1 Beta 2. Copyright (c) 2005, Manfred Joerg. It requires PalmOS version 3.5 or greater
You are strongly reccommended to BACKUP YOUR PILOT before installing Feringa. Please remove Feringa version 0.01 or 0.02 before installing Feringa version 0.03. If you want to report a bug or a feature request please use the reporting systems provided by Sourceforge. There are still some bugs in the engine. I will fix them as soon as possible. In some chess programs you can castle by selecting the king and then tapping the rook. In Feringa it works different: First select the king then tap the field where you want to move it.
An error has occurred in the program
Can't open count file: Permission denied
visitors since 2005-01-20New game
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